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SHEN Weining, GU Yuqi, DAI Juanjuan
Resources & Industries    2024, 26 (5): 13-25.   DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20240904.002
Abstract68)      PDF(pc) (3786KB)(40)       Save
Collaborative harness of atmospheric pollution requests acoalition among local governments, which is marked by a jointly-issued environmental policies. This paper, based on official 2009 to 2019 atmospheric environmental policies, uses social network analysis (SNA) and Gephi software to map their network relationship graph among departments, and employs Ucinet to analyze their density and centrality of department collaboration in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomerations, exploring their coordination among governmental departments during environmental harness. In Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, Beijing has the most extensive atmospheric environmental policies with most departments involved and frequent coordination. Tianjin has the fewest departments involved in making atmospheric environmental policies but with premium internal department coordination. Hebei has the less policy quantities and departments, which shall be further boosted. In Yangtze River delta urban agglomeration, Shanghai has a few atmospheric environmental policies, but with most departments involved and most frequent cooperation. Zhejiang has the most policies with extensive departments involved, less in department coordination. Jiangsu is quite similar with Anhui in policy quantities and involving departments, but Anhui has the least department coordination. In Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration, Chongqing has less policies, less involving departments with little cooperation. Sichuan performs better, but has yet formed a collaborative network mode among departments with “polar-kernel” features. This paper presents suggestions on fulfilling functions of urban agglomeration to establish communicating channels among regional governments and organizations and to form a multiple-department-involving and diversified normalized mechanism in harnessing atmospheric pollution.
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SHEN Weining, XIA Ziying, SU Shuang
Resources & Industries    2022, 24 (1): 65-72.   DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20211122.001
Abstract135)      PDF(pc) (2723KB)(277)       Save
This paper, based on texts of air pollution control policies in JJJ city cluster, discusses the cooperative intentions of local governments and provides references for trans-regional air pollution  collaborative controls. This paper uses 2009-2019 air pollution policies in JJJ city cluster to establish an analytical framework composed of time, issuers, types, word frequency, tools and counts, and to determine its evolutionary rule. Viewing from time scale, the air pollution control policy undergoes preliminary developing stage, stable transitional stage and  stable control stage. Issuers vary with administrative regions, diversified in Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang, but comparatively single in other cities as governments. Text types are mainly notice, amounting to 73% with lower frequency in other forms.Word frequencies are highly concentrating on "pollution" "enterprise" and "control", respectively from 164, 127 and 110  policies. Policy tools are mainly on controlling, amounting to 43.57% in counts, far above marketing and volunteering tools. Policy counts vary with cities, less in collaboratively issuing policies, meaning a low collaboration in air pollution control and an insufficient interaction. This paper concludes that air pollution control in JJJ city cluster is a long-term and hard systematical project, which can be achieved by focusing on diversified control models, reconstructing new government network and improving collaborative controlling skills.A trans-regional collaborative mechanism of air pollution control needs to be formed to mutually control air pollution and stabilize trans-regional collaboration.
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SHEN Wei, WENG Lingyan, LIU Binglin, et al
Resources & Industries    2020, 22 (1): 61-68.   DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20191018.005
Abstract136)      PDF(pc) (8473KB)(104)       Save
To optimize land use structure in Zhejiang province, this paper uses carbon footprint model to estimate the carbon footprint level from 2007 to 2016 and applies decoupling and standard ellipse variance to study the carbon emission effect of land use in Zhejiang province. The results show a growth rate of 4.06% in net carbon emission in Zhejiang province from 2007 to 2016, most from construction land use. Gap between carbon source and carbon sink is enlarging, making low carbon development difficult. Ningbo city ranks the top in net carbon emission, and Lishui city, which is the only city of carbon sink more than carbon source, is at the bottom. The gap of carbon emission in northeast and southwest Zhejiang province is increasing. The GDP per capita in Zhejiang province is of weak decoupling with carbon footprint per capita, with economic development faster than carbon emission rising rate. Lishui is the best and Zhoushan is poor in decoupling. The spatial distribution of net carbon emission and construction land carbon emission is concentrated in northeast Zhejiang province. The farmland carbon emission is sparsely distributed with the center in the southwest.
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Shen Weining,Jang Hanmo,Zheng Juhua
Resources & Industries    2016, 18 (4): 60-68.   DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.2016.04.017
Abstract11304)      PDF(pc) (3049KB)(10818)       Save

In order to study the regional environmental inequality in Hebei province, this paper selects industrial waste water, SO2, industrial dust emission and industrial energy consumption from 2004—2014 to calculate Hebei's resource environmental Gini coefficient and green contribution coefficient. The resource environmental Gini coefficient of dust emission and energy consumption exceeds the critical point, indicating the existence of regional environmental inequality in Hebei province. Xingtai's green contribution coefficients of the four indexes are less than 1, so is Handan and Tangshan with the exception of industrial water emission, which shows the contribution rate of pollution emission and resource consumption is larger than GDP's contribution rate, and a poor inequality. To improve the situation, Xingtai and Tangshan should adjust their economic developing mode in a coordinated development with resources and environment. This study presents theoretical references for Hebei to rationally allocate its resources and environment.

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