资源与产业 ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 32-42.DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20220602.001

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孙付华 1, 2,蔡彬彬 3,沈菊琴 1, 2   

  1. (1. 河海大学 农业科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 211100;
    2. 长江保护与绿色发展研究院,江苏 南京 211100;
    3. 河海大学 商学院,江苏 南京 211100)
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-15 修回日期:2021-08-04 出版日期:2022-06-20 发布日期:2022-07-18
  • 通讯作者: 蔡彬彬,硕士生,主要从事环境会计、企业财务管理研究。E-mail:1457061031@qq.com
  • 作者简介:孙付华,博士、副教授,主要从事环境会计、水利经济研究 E-mail:fhsun@hhu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:


SUN Fuhua 1, 2, CAI Binbin 3, SHEN Juqin 1, 2   

  1. (1. School of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; 
    2. Yangtze River Protection and Green Development Research Institute, Nanjing 211100, China;
    3.  School of Business, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)
  • Received:2021-06-15 Revised:2021-08-04 Online:2022-06-20 Published:2022-07-18
  • Contact: CAI Binbin

摘要: 长三角工业经济因水而兴,但同时存在用水问题,水资源和水环境对经济发展约束长期存在。在“以水而定、量水而行,强化水资源刚性约束”的水资源管理理念指导下,注重水资源节约与水环境保护、促进区域绿色发展是突破工业发展瓶颈的关键所在。论文聚焦水资源和水环境对工业经济绿色发展的双重约束,探索在水资源与水环境约束下长三角地区工业绿色GDP及其发展效率变化趋势和地区差异,以此提出对策建议。论文以长三角3省1市为例,2006—2019年为样本,利用改进后的资源损失价值调整法核算工业绿色GDP,并以此为产出指标,并采用超效率SBM模型评价工业绿色发展效率。研究结果表明:1)长三角地区整体工业绿色GDP占比逐年上升,耗减经济损失和降级经济损失呈下降趋势,水资源浪费和污染问题逐步改善;2)从时间趋势看,长三角地区绿色发展效率值总体呈现上升趋势,与无约束下的发展效率差异逐渐缩小,从地域差异看,上海、江苏工业经济发展效率处于较高水平,浙江、安徽工业绿色发展效率水平始终低于有效状态,有较大的提升空间。总的来说,长三角地区的工业经济发展对水资源和水环境的依赖程度随时间推移不断减弱,但依旧有较大的改进空间。基于此,为降低资源耗费和环境成本,进一步减少工业经济发展对水资源和水环境的依赖性,提升工业绿色发展效率,提出如下建议:加快资源利用与环保技术创新,实现从源头上减少对水资源的消耗与浪费,降低工业污染物排放量、抑制水质下降;优化水资源定价模式,综合供需平衡、利用效率、循环利用率等因素,实施差别定价;建立水资源一体化综合管理机构,以强带弱,不断减少地方差距,全面实现联保共治。

关键词: 长三角地区, 工业绿色GDP, 工业绿色发展效率, 超效率SBM, 水资源和水环境约束

Abstract: Yangtze River delta industrial economy is thriving on water with water use issues, long constrained by water resource and water environment. Under a guideline of water resource management concept of “determining and measuring water, strengthening the rigid constrains of water resources”, paying attention to water resources conservation and water enviroment protection and promoting regional green development are the key to breaking through the bottleneck of industrial development. This paper, focusing on the double constraints of water resource and water environment on industrial economic green development, studies the industrial green GDP and its development efficiency changes and regional variance in Yangtze River delta under the double constraints. Based on Yangtze River Delta three provinces and one city's 2006-2019 data, this paper uses adjusted resource loss value to amount the industrial green GDP, which is used as output indicator, and applies super-efficiency SBM model to evaluate its industrial green development efficiency. The results show that the overall industrial green GDP proportion in Yangtze River delta has been rising over years, while a falling economic loss of consumption reduction and degradation, and an improving water resource wasting and pollution. Green development efficiency has been generally rising over years, with a diminishing variance with unconstrained development efficiency. Geographically, economic developing efficiency is at a higher level in Shanghai and Jiangsu, lower in Zhejiang and Anhui, indicating that industrial economy in Yangtze River delta has a less dependence on its water resource and environment, leaving a great room to improve. In order to decrease resource consumption and environmental costs and further to reduce the dependence of industrial economy on water resource and environment, and to improve industrial green developing efficiency, this paper presents suggestions on expediting resource utilization and environmentally technical innovation, reducing water consumption and wasting from source, decreasing industrial pollution to constrain a falling water quality, optimizing water resource pricing mechanism, balancing supply-demand, utilization efficiency, recycling rate, conducting differentiated pricings, and constructing a united water resource administration so as to diminish a regional variance. 

Key words: Yangtze River delta, industrial green GDP, industrial green development efficiency, superefficiency SBM, constrains of water resource and water environment
