Resources & Industries ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 53-63.DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20230714.001

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YANG Bingzhen   

  1. (School of Intelligent Manufacturing, Yangzhou Polytechnic College, Yangzhou 225127, China)

  • Received:2023-01-02 Revised:2023-02-28 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-20



  1. (扬州工业职业技术学院 智能制造学院,江苏  扬州  225127)
  • 作者简介:杨秉臻,硕士、助教,主要从事高等教育管理研究。
  • 基金资助:


To leverage the relation of green development with employment structural optimization and to fulfill functions of human resources allocation in increasing industrial total elements productivity have become a critical topic for economic quality development under the strategy of quality-to-power. This paper, based on 2011 to 2020 input/output and employment data of Jiangsu ‘s 13 prefectures, studies their green transformation/upgrading and employment structural changes, and uses PVAR model to analyze the interaction among productivity changes of green industrial total elements, employment structural advancing and rationalization. Jiangsu ‘s industrial green transformation & upgrading has made great progress, with a lack of rising power, at an annual growth rate at 0.74%, technical efficiency declining by 0.33% due to constraints by technical advances. Growth of input elements is outstandingly higher than the total elements productivity, suggesting industries still in an extensive state. Improving technical efficiency is the key factor for industries to promote industrial green transformation & upgrading. Jiangsu ‘s employment structural advancing and rationalization has a clear developing trend, but most prefectures are not at the same pace or both low. Imbalanced employment structural optimization and industrial green transformation & upgrading limits advancing technical efficiency. Industrial green transformation & upgrading plays a dual roles on employment structure, short-term destruction and long-term optimization, little on industrial green transformation & upgrading, but employment structural rationalization is of potential to boost industrial green transformation & upgrading at a contribution rate of 18.2%. Short-term employment structural advancing constrains rationalization, but the latter promotes the former, both at different pacing rates. Industrial green transformation & upgrading has a contribution rate at 80.5% to itself, lower rate to employment structural advancing and rationalization, at 11.2% and 8%, respectively. The mutual contribution rates between employment structural advancing and rationalization is much higher, up to 58.2%of employment structural advancing on rationalization. This paper presents suggestions actively adjusting employment structure to promote its rationalization and to reduce the impacts of industrial green transformation & upgrading on destroying employment structure and transferring labor passively, avoiding non-rationalization by advancing-oriented employment structure, and reaching employment structural optimization to boost industrial upgrading which is a sustainable path for economic development.

Key words:

industrial green total elements productivity, employment structural advancing, employment structural rationalization, PVAR mode, Jiangsu Province



关键词: 产业绿色全要素生产率, 就业结构高级化, 就业结构合理化, PVAR模型, 江苏省

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