Resources & Industries ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (6): 138-149.DOI: 10.13776/j.cnki.resourcesindustries.20230726.001

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MA Xuemeng, ZHAO Jun   

  1. (School of Public Administration (Faculty of Laws), Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China)

  • Received:2022-09-01 Revised:2023-03-17 Online:2023-12-20 Published:2023-12-20


马雪梦,赵 俊   

  1. (新疆农业大学 公共管理学院(法学院),新疆  乌鲁木齐 830052
  • 通讯作者: 赵俊,博士、副教授,主要从事农业资源利用与土地资源管理研究。
  • 作者简介:马雪梦,硕士生,主要从事土地资源管理研究。


This paper uses modified ecological footprint model to study farmland ecological deficit and excess in Xinjiang, estimates its ecological footprint with biological resource footprint and carbon footprint incorporated, the result has a difference with farmland ecological carrying capacity which is farmland ecological excess/deficit. This paper applies ecological servicing non-market value model, consistent with paying capability, and employs Type-S growth curve modified coefficient to quantify 2010 to 2020 farmland ecological compensation of Xinjiang ‘s 14 prefectures. Influenced by production and carbon sequestration capability, ecological footprint is higher in Tulufan, Kashi and Yili ‘s farmlands, the latter two with a larger supply capacity have a stronger ecological carrying capacity. Ecological deficit or excess exists in the southern and northern Xinjiang, where has a severer ecological deficit, most in Tulufan. Non-market values of unit farmland ecological servicing generally have a consistent trend in 2010 to 2020, declining over years. Impacted by excess/deficit area and non-market values of unit farmland ecological servicing, farmland ecological compensation has a falling-then-rising trend, 2813 million CNY needed to be paid to Tulufan in 2020, and 1303 million CNY to Yili. This paper presents suggestions on developing green agriculture to decrease carbon footprint, properly estimating farmland ecological compensation standard, and establishing a more appropriate farmland ecological compensation mechanism in terms of farmland ecological compensation standards, ways, fund sources and receivers ‘ priorities.

Key words:

farmland ecological compensation; ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity, ecological excess/deficit; Xinjiang

摘要: 文章运用修正的生态足迹模型对耕地生态赤字区和盈余区进行基础判别,将生物资源足迹和碳足迹纳入生态足迹的计算中,其结果与耕地生态承载力的差值即为耕地生态盈亏量。采用生态服务非市场价值模型,为与支付能力相吻合,借助“S型皮尔生长曲线”修正补偿系数,借此量化新疆14个地州市2010—2020年耕地生态补偿。研究结果显示:1)在产量和固碳能力等多重因素作用下,吐鲁番市、喀什地区、伊犁州直耕地生态足迹较高,喀什地区、伊犁州直两地供容能力较强,故生态承载力能力较强;2)新疆南北部都存在生态赤字或盈余的情况,北疆地区的生态赤字情况更为严峻,其中吐鲁番市是生态亏损最多的地区;3)2010—2020年单位耕地生态服务非市场价值整体波动趋势一致,且逐年递减;4)受盈余赤字面积与单位耕地生态服务非市场价值的影响,耕地生态补偿额度呈先降低后上升的趋势,经测算2020年吐鲁番市需要支付耕地生态补偿2.813亿元,伊犁州直则可获得耕地生态补偿1.303亿元。据此,提出如下政策建议:大力提倡发展绿色农业,降低碳足迹;结合当地的实际情况,合理测算耕地生态补偿标准;综合考虑耕地生态补偿标准、补偿方式、资金来源及受偿区优先级,构建更加合理的耕地生态补偿机制。


耕地生态补偿, 生态足迹, 生态承载力, 生态盈亏量, 新疆

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