Submission Guidelines

  • The manuscript should embody innovation, advancement, authority, comprehensiveness, and practicality while demonstrating scientific and academic value.

    1) The title should be concise, specific, and precise, summarizing the specific content of the article, generally not exceeding 20 words. Subtitles can be added if necessary.

    2) Authorship is limited to individuals who have made significant contributions to the research and should be listed in order of their contributions.

    3) The abstract aims to provide a synopsis of the paper’s content without commentary or additional explanations. It should concisely and accurately describe the essential content of the paper, including the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions, typically within 600-800 words.

    4) Keywords serve as indexing terms for the paper and should reflect the main topics. They should be noun phrases, ranging from 3 to 8 keywords.

    5) Title, authorship, affiliations, abstract, and keywords should have corresponding English translations.

    6)The introduction should cover reasons, objectives, background, theoretical basis, experimental foundation, research methods, anticipated results, and significance.

    7) The main body of the text should include clear arguments, ample evidence, and reasonable reasoning.

    8) Figures and tables should align and correspond with the content in the text.

    9) References should be publicly published works using the "author-year" citation system. They should be cited in-text and listed at the end of the paper. Specific formatting guidelines can be found on the official website. For Chinese references, English translations should be provided.

    10) Footnotes serve as further explanations or supplementary information for specific content in the text. They should be sequentially marked on each page using superscript numbers (e.g., , ...) and listed at the bottom of the corresponding page to provide explanations or supplementary details.

  • 2024-01-11 Visited: 346